Wednesday, May 16, 2012

WOW #4

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly Meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine. Book bloggers present upcoming books they can’t wait to read and share their enthusiasm about new releases.

[ i was on blogging and reviewing slump/ now i'm have my mojo back/ glad i'm back]

Demons [Seers #2]
by Heather Frost
Published by: Cedar Fort Books
Date to be published: September 11th, 2012

Synopsis: Kate’s life is far from normal. She can see auras, her boyfriend is immortal, and her powers make her a target. But now that the Demon Lord is hunting her, things are about to go from dangerous to truly deadly. Packed with action, mind-blowing plot twists, and characters you can’t get enough of, this is a fast-paced, heart-pounding read from cover to cover.
I loved book one and it was the first book tour i was on.

I also love that the covers match

Meant to Be
by  Lauren Morrill
Published by Delacorte
Date to be published: November 13th 2012 

Synopsis: Meant to be or not meant to be . . . that is the question.
It's one thing to fall head over heels into a puddle of hazelnut coffee, and quite another to fall for the—gasp—wrong guy. Straight-A junior Julia may be accident prone, but she's queen of following rules and being prepared. That's why she keeps a pencil sharpener in her purse and a pocket Shakespeare in her, well, pocket. And that's also why she's chosen Mark Bixford, her childhood crush, as her MTB ("meant to be").
But this spring break, Julia's rules are about to get defenestrated (SAT word: to be thrown from a window) when she's partnered with her personal nemesis, class-clown Jason, on a school trip to London. After one wild party, Julia starts receiving romantic texts . . . from an unknown number! Jason promises to help discover the identity of her mysterious new suitor if she agrees to break a few rules along the way. And thus begins a wild goose chase through London, leading Julia closer and closer to the biggest surprise of all: true love.
Because sometimes the things you least expect are the most meant to be

So exited for this one /exited for both/ i need both


  1. Oh, great picks :D They seem like awesome books ;) I hope you'll love them when they come out :D
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  2. Meant To Be looks like a fun read. Something light and cute. I love the idea of her trying to find her secret crush. I haven't read Seers but it seems cool too!
    My WOW

  3. Dear!I've miised u so much! thnx for sharing these books! I've never heard about Demons before, sounds terrific! gonna check the first book first of course!

    hpe u r doing awesome! take care ^.^ muah!

    Dazzling Reads

  4. I'm so glad you are back! You've been missed. Excellent choices as usual, I'll never run out of books to pine for as long as you are here :)

  5. I the cover for Meant to Be and Demons look scrappy - in a good way.

  6. Awesome picks Roro and so nice to see a post from you ;)

  7. Meant to Be sounds awesome. Wild goose chase through London? Sounds a bit like Dash & Lily's Book of Dares (except for the London part). I'll have to add this one to my list as well. I haven't heard of Seers or Demons before. They sound like I might like them though. Great picks :D

  8. These both sound good! I especially like the Demons one. I hadn't heard of Seers before but I looked it up and it sounds great! I've added it to my to-read list. :) Thanks for sharing!

  9. P.S. Glad to know you're getting back on blogging! Hope you had a nice break.

  10. Jay @ We Fancy BooksMay 17, 2012 at 12:30 AM

    Totally love your picks! Especially Meant To Be <3

    My WoW picks here

    We Fancy Books

  11. Hi Rogier!

    I wish I had read Seers now. I will have to read it since you enjoyed it!;)

    Thanks for visiting!! Have a great week. Happy reading!!!:)

  12. look at that cover!! oh, wow. :)

  13. Glad you got your mojo back. There's nothing worse than burnout.

  14. I understand where your coming from! I'm currently in a slump myself =/ I have over eight reviews to write and a serious case of writers block. Glad to hear your out of yours though! I'm totally adding Meant to Be to my Goodreads list. Sounds awesome!

  15. I was wondering where you where! I understand though. :)

    Seers was good, so I'm looking forward to Demons too.

  16. Awwww, you got your mojo back!! Summer is here, right?? That helps!!!

    I've never heard of Seers & Demons and both look totally up my alley! I'm going to go check them out!! I'm not so much into contemps ~ I avoid reality as much as possible ;) Great picks, tho!!!
    -Kristin @myparahangover

  17. I haven't read Seers but sounds good! I'm glad you got your mojo back hehe

  18. Great books! I will definitely have a further look in all of these books! They sound very interesting :)

    Thanks for stopping by!! :)

  19. Yay, I'm so happy to see you again, Roro! Glad that you got over your blogging slump :) And all of those books sound super-fantastic -- I've only heard about Meant to be so far, but an action-packed and mind-blowing book about demons? Yes please! I'm definitely intrigued!

    Awesome picks for your WOW this week, Roro! :)

  20. Never heard of Meant To Be, but it sounds like something I'd definitely get into.

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM,
    --Livin' Life Through Books

  21. I just requested Meant to Be on NG. It sounds awesome!!

  22. I think Heather Frost is blessed by the cover art goddess! :)

  23. Nice looking books :)
    happy reading!

  24. I'm glad ur back! I know how it feels when u get unmotivated, almost all last week I felt that way. The weather is getting so warm and pretty where I live.
    You got some nice looking books and I cant wait to read the reviews for them :)

  25. Meant to be has a gorgeous cover! It's flippin fabulous!

  26. I started reading Seers but couldn't finish it. Demons looks amazing though! I just might want to read it. :)

  27. Yay! Meant To Be! Lauren Morrill is super awesome & her book is excellent.



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