Monday, February 13, 2012

Falling In Between book tour: Review

Falling In Between (Falling #1)
by Devon Ashley
Published : self published
Date Publication:   February 14th 2012
Rating 3.5/5

Synopsis: Finally! A private conversation. And all I had to do was throw myself off a cliff, drown in a pond in my undies and let him put his hands on my breasts to bring me back to life. Yay me! (yeah, that’s sarcasm) 
Yep, that pretty much sums up the most craptastic night of Jenna Baker’s life. She drowns after jumping off a cliff, meets a hotty named Chance in the pearlescent in-between and is brought back to life by her soon-to-be boyfriend Robert. 
Just when things start to move forward with Robert, the guy she'd been crushing on for a year now, in walks the man of her dreams – literally. Chance suddenly appears in her dream every time she closes her eyes. So it's Robert by day and Chance by night. One in the real world and one in the dream world. What could possibly go wrong? 
Absolutely nothing – until she comes face to face with the guy she met in the in-between, and realizes her romantic rendezvous with Chance may be more than just her imagination. 
Mature YA. Recommended for older teenagers.

My thoughts  

Cover: The cover is pretty i admit that and the dream like state kind of smoke. But the blurb intrigued me to be part in this tour

Book: The blurb intrigued me what i already stated. It was a fun book.

It all starts when Jenna and her Bff go gliff diving [ pretty stupid right] . Goes down and hit's her head. Enters a place. The in between and meets Chance and a short time later  is pulled from the in between and and on earth again. Wet and receiving CPR. Mouth on mouth by Robert. A dude she's been crushing on like ages. Chance at Night and  Robert during the Day.

This was a fun book. A lot of romance . It felt like a contemporary woven with  paranormal touches.I dislike love tiangles in general but this one was fun . And a good book after a heart and tear jerker i read before touching this.

Give it a try

virtual hangouts 

To order
Barnes & Noble


  1. I love the cover..might ck this one out :) Great review Roro!

  2. clif diving is not stupid.and I hate triangels too, unless it's in a PRN novel ;D

  3. this was a short but precise and very clear review! great job sweet! It sounds interesting and people who loves love triangle may like even more than you did. =)

    have a lovely week! happy reading!!!

    Dazzling Reads

  4. Right now I´m not into love triangles, but the story sounds interesting.
    I like short reviews!
    Adriana @ Reading Fictional

  5. You have been book tagged! See my post below for details:

  6. Well i definitely love the cover too! I'd read it on that basis alone :)

    La Toya (La Toya, Literally.)

  7. I adored the cover too! The pink dress is really pretty, and it sort of had that FUN PROM sort of look to me haha. But your review and the synopsis make it sound like such a fun book! It's nice to know that even though you're not a love triangle fan, this one worked for you -- it must mean that something was done right! :)

    Awesome review, Roro! I'm definitely going to give this one a try! ;)

  8. I usually hate love triangles....but that cover is way cute!!!

  9. So glad you enjoyed this one! I've been curious since a friend read it. Love triangles can be tricky, so I'm glad this worked well for you:)

  10. I won't get started on love-triangles... :D But this sounds like fun! Thanks for the review Roro, :)



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